Synopsis: A teenager with Spastic Diplegia Cerebral Palsy named Brandon learns first impressions can be deceiving when he meets a woman with Juvenile Macular Degeneration, (also known as Stargardts disease) a rare form of blindness.
This film is open captioned for deaf viewers. The film features actors who are disabled in real life. We were advised by someone who has Juvenile Macular Degeneration in real life when making the special effects. The special effects are based solely on this persons' description of their disability. "Drama Sighted" was originally a one-act play that was performed at BrooklynOne Theater's "A Playwright Grows In Brooklyn" youth playwriting contest in 2009. "A Playwright Grows in Brooklyn" was a short one act play writing contest for teens created by artistic directors Thomas Kane (who unfortunately passed away) and Anthony Marino of BrooklynOne Theater. Then it was turned into a short film. If you watch the film on Youtube you will see a logo saying "DISLABELEDtv Productions". DISLABELEDtv was a media organization for and by people with disabilities. All the members had some sort of disability. Their original goal was to make a TV series and other short video projects centered around disability. "Drama Sighted" was one of these projects. Since "Drama Sighted" was a collaboration you may notice some slight style differences from other Crip Video Productions films. In 2012 DISLABELEDtv became "DISLABELED Film Series" http://dislabeledfilm.wordpress.com which is modeled after the screening series disTHIS. Once DISLABELED decided that they would no longer be making videos I had to branch out on my own with my own name "Crip Video Productions" "Drama Sighted" is the sole property of Margot Cole/Crip Video Productions.
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