Crip Video Productions
Independent films by Margot Cole

"Russian embedded dolls where layers of representation keep appearing-that is what resonates in this complex and provocative film "A Stroke Of Endurance" written and directed by Margot Cole, which provides a window into the disability experience and the thoughts and attitudes of ableism. Margot Cole reveals herself to be a multi faceted artist (observing of life, writer, actor, and director).

In this her latest production released on Youtube, a group of college students, some with disabilities, some without-learn their professor has suffered a devastating stroke, leaving them temporarily unmoored.

Ms. Cole also acts in the film as the central character Ava, in a flashback scene of her encounter with a college counselor who is clueless about her. Feeling offended by the counselor's rude and condensing attitude and the counselor's insistence that because Ava is physically disabled, she should major in disability studies, Ava indignantly departs the counselling session.

We next view Ava lamenting over Professor Ben's stroke. She believes it was possibly a result of her silently cursing him, and wishing him dead, because of her dismay over the high cost of a textbook, that Professor Ben had explained, was for required reading. Following the professor's return to the classroom, his students observe him struggling with a difficult recovery. Classmate Alice suggests that Ava might help Professor Ben manage the disabling effects of his stroke by sharing her experience of living with a disability. Alice explains that it "doesn't overcome your life" and in fact one "can actually thrive in spite of a handicap". Ms. Cole imbues her theatre of life with karmic restitution as Professor Ben gratefully accepts Ava's help. Their disabilities inform their relationship showing how endurance and coping with challenges, foster strength.

Ms. Cole presents to her viewers, through a lens of subjective experiences, the broad spectrum of abilities and disabilities both in herself and in others. Her graceful beauty enhances the dynamic and powerful insights in this film. - Geraldine Pauling (disabled psychologist) NYC 9/09/17

"My name is Bernadette Perna. I am a student at BMCC. I am involved in Beyond the Limits club. One day our club had a film that they wanted us to watch. It was called "A Stroke of Endurance" By Margot Cole. I thought this was a perfect time for me to do my homework on my tablet. I thought this film was going to be boring. So I started to watch it and I couldn't stop watching it. I couldn't even eat my slice of pizza that day. After I watched it. I began asking so many questions to ask our President Mathew of our club. He didn't know some of the answers so we had a computer that we could ask Margot Cole our questions I think you would call it Skype. It gave me encouragement and high self esteem to go forward in a project that was impossible for me to do because I was being shy and didn't think I could do it because of my disability. I have Bipolar Disorder and ADHD. Because of this film it showed me that just because you have a disability does not mean you can't do it but there are always ways for you to not only start it but to finish it. Because of this film I finished my project on time and I felt so good about myself. Thank you Margot Cole for making this film. It inspired me to keep going forward in my accomplishing my goal." - Bernadette Perna

"A Stroke Of Endurance"

It doesn't matter where you are, you could be in the U.S,Asia, or even Florence, when it comes to having a disability it is only a challenge.

We collaborate together to the best of our abilities. It doesn't matter who you are or what time it is, you have to be ready to act.

It does not take much to save a life. Today we did it together. Eventually it will be done to us. Possibly when we least expect it. The bottom line is to treat others the way you want to be treated. We are all here for each other. To simply help one another." - John Diodato. A poem about and inspired by "A Stroke Of Endurance".

"Fantastic, I didn't know what to expect, but Fantastic" - Unknown. Praise for "Only Those Who Limp Allowed"

"Margot Cole is appreciated by many, either directly and affectionately by those who know her personally, or indirectly by how her message resonates for people who face extraordinary challenges in managing their everyday tasks. Cole's understanding of the disability process for many living with the constant struggle to overcome huge obstacles is reflected in the video, "Crips Not Creeps".

Her insights as creator and director express the reality of many with special needs who are viewed for their differences by a public that evades seeing shared similarities. Her very clever video presentation also depicts another kind of disability-a disability of the mind that some people with physical handicaps might also have. When one of her main characters, acting from jealousy, resorts to seeking revenge against his rival (who must then defend himself against a false accusation) Cole skillfully brings into focus the far reaching consequences that such personal harassment can have.

As a young independent film director and author, Margot Cole has a very promising future: her message expresses riveting truths that affect us all". - Geraldine Pauling Film Psychohistorian NYC - 2/24/15 Praise for "Crips Not Creeps"

"Hi Margot, and thank you very much for inviting me to watch your film :) I like the idea of showing how you guys are having a social life just like anyone and connecting to each other and to other people despite your disabilities! you have chosen a sweet music to start with; it give feeling of happiness and freshness <3 your actors are handsome Brandon, Randy and even Madison's new boyfriend! I love it and I'm so proud that I have met you because you have showed me a beautiful world that include lovely, intelligent and talent people like you. you told me in the class that not all of you are Christy Brown; I think you, with your awesome personality and talent, are capable to achieve greater success than Brown. I'm strongly waiting to see your next films. (I saw Drama Sighted, Only Those Who Limp Allowed, and Crips Not Creeps). Amina" - Amina

"Margot, You were so eloquent and down to earth in the Q and A. My daughter was really impressed and I am sure all of the others were too. You rock! Michael" - Michael Sheppard, praise in response to our a screening on July 29 2015 at Big Sky Learning.

"Hi Margot, I admire how brave you are. As a person with disabilities like myself I think it is great that you are raising awareness. Your short films are great and very interesting. I would not be surprised if you have your own show down the line." - Victoria Soto

"When it comes to best practices in media and accessibility, which is my main concern with Dylan Rothbein Liberty Coalition, too many companies have decided to ignore disability or tokenizing disabled in their brand which is not accessibility or social model of disability. There is one company however that deserves to be celebrated for their leadership and best practices which is Crip Video Productions. Crip Video Productions has put out 4 short films which showcase disabled actors in their natural habitats and each actor get accommodations. Crip Video Productions follows the ADA to the letter which is a best practice. Crip Video Productions exists to make sure everyone has value from conception to natural death. Crip Video Productions has also partnered with many organizations like Students Unlimited at Kingsborough, Teatro Paraguas, and Dylan Rothbein Liberty Coalition, and embodies Nothing About Us Without Us because everyone has a disability or is an allay. I was hired by this company to produce "What The Body Believes" a collaboration between Crip Video Productions and CUNY. Crip Video Productions also conducts ethical business practices every day because our director makes sure everyone is compensated in some way. So many times disabled people are exploited but not at Crip Video Productions. This is why it is an honor to be affiliated with this company which is disability oriented, stands for free speech and free expression, and knows every life matters. Crip Video Productions excels and employs best practices at all stages, our director makes sure shoot locations are accessible so we can contribute our skills as human beings not just because we are disabled. In casting our casting director sees the potential in every actor regardless of experience because Crip Video Productions believes in opportunity and responsibility. In post production Crip Video Productions excels at audio description, with audio description on each production and screen reader access so I am honored to work there as a blind person and I know that no matter how impaired I get I will always have a place at Crip Video Productions. Crip Video Productions is a role model for the disabled because many disabled people feel like they can't start a business but our director is also a writer and editor with Cerebral Palsy, which teaches us you can succeed with a TBI." - Dylan Rothbein

Crip Video Productions was mentioned on Save Lilo & Stitch/Save Disney Shows multiple times.

Crip Video Productions/Margot Cole mentioned on Enter The Faun (see 26 minutes into video)

Only Those Who Limp Allowed on Facebook

Press about our public screenings

Crip Video Productions founder Margot Cole was interviewed via podcast on Able PathwaysMedia

Margot Cole interviewed about Cerebral Palsy for "The Normality of Abormality".

Press and reviews for "A Stroke Of Endurance"

Margot Cole of Crip Video Productions and Dylan Rothbein Crip Video Productions audio describer, featured on Dylan Rothbein Liberty Coalition

Crip Video Productions director, Margot Cole featured in a video about Lawrence Carter Long, a disability rights activist, that was filmed in 2010. She is seen about 3:02 to 3:15 minutes on the video.

Our director, Margot Cole and Crip Video Productions featured in "The Scepter" newspaper April 2017 issue

Margot director of Crip Video Productions wrote about our creative process including casting disabled actors and writing stories about disability for Disabled Spectator

Crip Video Productions Margot writes for "Living With Autism"

Crip Video Productions Margot writes for Medium

Margot Cole of Crip Video Productions gives presentation/interview on early childhood education

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